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How to make Authentic Sabudana Khichdi Recipe in Hindi | साबूदाना खिचड़ी | Upwas Recipe by Pooja Jamdar

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Perfect Method of Making Sabudana Khichdi Recipe

Discover the perfect way to prepare a delicious and satisfying sabudana khichdi with this easy recipe.


  • 1/2 cup sabudana (sago), soaked in 1/2 cup water for 1 hour
  • 1 potato, finely chopped
  • 3 green chillies, finely chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 cup peanuts, roasted and ground
  • 1/2 teaspoon oil


  1. Heat the Oil: In a pan, heat 1/2 teaspoon of oil over medium heat.
  2. Add Cumin Seeds and Chillies: Once the oil is hot, add the cumin seeds and chopped green chillies. Fry them for about a minute until they release their aroma.
  3. Cook the Potatoes: Add the finely chopped potatoes to the pan along with a pinch of salt. Cook for a few minutes until the potatoes are tender.
  4. Season: Add the chili powder, cumin powder, and sugar. Mix well to combine the spices with the potatoes.
  5. Add Soaked Sabudana: Add the soaked sabudana to the pan. Sprinkle a little more salt to taste. Stir well to ensure the sabudana is evenly coated with the spices.
  6. Incorporate Peanuts: Add the roasted and ground peanuts. Stir to mix everything together thoroughly.
  7. Cook Until Done: Cover the pan and cook on low heat until the sabudana is translucent and cooked through, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.
  8. Serve: Enjoy your hot and delicious sabudana khichdi!

Don’t forget to like and share this sabudana khichdi recipe with your friends and family!

साबूदाना खिचड़ी बनाने की परफेक्ट विधि


  • १ १/२ कटोरी साबूदाना
  • १/२ कटोरी पानी
  • १ आलू (बारीक कटा हुआ)
  • ३ हरी मिर्च (बारीक कटी हुई)
  • १/२ चम्मच जीरा
  • १/२ चम्मच जीरा पाउडर
  • १/२ चम्मच नमक
  • १/२ चम्मच मिर्च पाउडर
  • १/२ चम्मच शक्कर
  • १/२ कटोरी मूंगफली (भुनी और पीसी हुई)
  • १/२ चम्मच तेल


  1. साबूदाना भिगोना: साबूदाना को एक बड़े बर्तन में लें और उसमें १/२ कटोरी पानी डालकर १ घंटे के लिए भिगो दें।
  2. तैयारी:
    • आलू को बारीक काट लें।
    • हरी मिर्च को बारीक काट लें।
    • मूंगफली को भूनकर पीस लें।
  3. खिचड़ी बनाना:
    • कढ़ाई में १/२ चम्मच तेल गरम करें।
    • गरम तेल में जीरा और हरी मिर्च डालकर भूंज लें।
    • कटे हुए आलू डालें और थोड़ा नमक डालकर आलू को पकाएं।
    • आलू पक जाने के बाद उसमें मिर्च पाउडर, जीरा पाउडर और शक्कर डालकर मिलाएं।
    • गले हुए साबूदाना को डालें और उसमें भुनी हुई मूंगफली डालकर मिलाएं।
    • थोड़ा नमक डालकर अच्छे से मिलाएं।
    • खिचड़ी को ढंककर कुछ देर तक पकाएं और बीच-बीच में हिलाते रहें ताकि साबूदाना चिपके नहीं।
  4. परोसना: गरमागरम साबूदाना खिचड़ी बनकर तैयार है। इसे प्लेट में निकालें और तुरंत परोसें।


  • साबूदाना को भिगोते समय ध्यान रखें कि पानी की मात्रा सही हो, ताकि साबूदाना नरम हो जाए लेकिन चिपचिपा न हो।
  • आप अपनी स्वाद अनुसार मसाले और सामग्री की मात्रा कम या ज्यादा कर सकते हैं।

इस स्वादिष्ट और पौष्टिक साबूदाना खिचड़ी को बनाने की विधि को LIKE और SHARE करना न भूलें।

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sabudana Khichdi and how is it prepared?

Sabudana Khichdi is a popular Indian dish made from soaked sago pearls (sabudana), potatoes, peanuts, and spices. Follow our easy recipe for step-by-step instructions.

How long should Sabudana be soaked before making Khichdi?

Soak Sabudana in water for at least 1 hour to ensure it softens properly. The water quantity should be half the amount of Sabudana used.

What are the essential ingredients needed to make Sabudana Khichdi?

You will need sabudana (sago), potatoes, green chillies, cumin seeds, spices like chili powder and cumin powder, salt, sugar, roasted peanuts, and a bit of oil.

Can Sabudana Khichdi be customized to suit different tastes?

Yes, you can adjust the spice levels and ingredients according to your preference. Experiment with different proportions of spices for a personalized flavor.

How do I ensure the Sabudana pearls don’t stick together while cooking?

Stir the Sabudana Khichdi mixture regularly while cooking on low heat and ensure it is covered to maintain steam. This prevents the pearls from sticking together.

Is Sabudana Khichdi suitable for a gluten-free diet?

Yes, Sabudana Khichdi is naturally gluten-free, making it a suitable choice for those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

What are some tips for perfecting Sabudana Khichdi texture?

Achieve the perfect texture by soaking Sabudana adequately, using the right amount of water, and cooking on low heat until the pearls turn translucent.

Can Sabudana Khichdi be served as a breakfast dish?

Yes, Sabudana Khichdi is a nutritious and filling breakfast option. It can also be enjoyed as a snack or light meal throughout the day.

How can I make Sabudana Khichdi more nutritious?

Add vegetables like peas or carrots to enhance the nutritional value. You can also garnish with fresh coriander leaves and serve with yogurt for added taste.

Where can I find more Sabudana Khichdi recipes and variations?

Explore our blog for more Sabudana Khichdi recipes and variations, including tips on ingredient substitutions and cooking techniques for different tastes.
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Pooja is a talented homemaker and educator who wears many hats. Not only is she a dedicated teacher, but she also possesses a passion for cooking, singing, and dancing. With her post-graduate education and a wealth of skills, she resides in the historic city of Gwalior, located in the heart of Madhya Pradesh, India.

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